Sprout: to grow, spring up, or come forth.

At Roots Salon, we believe in educating and equipping young professionals for success. Whether a recently licensed cosmetologist, or a cosmetology student, our 6-9 month training program will prepare our Sprouts to be ready and confident to take on any service.

​We proudly have Holly Holbrook, a licensed cosmetology teacher and Paul Mitchell national educator with 20+ years experience on staff to take our Sprouts through each biweekly course. Our Education Director, Holly FranklIn, also works with the Sprouts, and brings a passion for education, to help train in customer service skills, communication and consultation. Their inspiration for our industry is contagious!

At Roots Salon, we are a family, we have an entire salon of successful professionals ready to mentor, encourage, assist, and support every Sprout as they transition onto the floor.

When a fully licensed Sprout graduate is open to take appointments behind the chair at Roots Salon, you can rest assured, they are ready to produce quality work and excellent service.

For pricing, check out our Service pages (nails, hair, and waxing) and Sprouts pricing will be listed.